Electronic Encoding of Hieroglyphs

This page is devoted to the electronic encoding of hieroglyphs.

It is associated with a mailing list called hieroxml. Despite its name, hieroxml deals with both the Manuel de Codage and with XML encoding of hieroglyphs, as it appears that there are still significant needs in the area of the Manuel. To contribute, subscribe to hieroxml (send a mail to hieroxml-request@iut.univ-paris8.fr with subject "subscribe" or "subscribe you@your.address).

You can get help for hieroxml simply by mailing a request for help (subject should be "help")

I intend to discuss two issues :

The Manuel de Codage
The "Manuel" is currently the standard for hieroglyphic text encoding. These pages intend to propose a precise definition of the Manuel and ressources such as skeleton parsers, etc.
XML Encoding of hieroglyphs
XML encoding of hieroglyphs is an interesting path for the future.