
Cette page est là pour accueillir vos commentaires.

This page is devoted to your comments. Vous devez taper du texte simple. Seules sont reconnues les ancres.

commentaires précédents/previous comments

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hello i'm caitlin

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Je serais grai de connaître ces quelques prénoms en hiéroglyphes: Sauveur Virginie Aude Valérie Pierre

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You are Wellcome Here ! This is the Stargate Linux Server

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ma meilleur amie

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Ton site est vraiment sympa

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jdete na horu podel lesa

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Salut la Gangs

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Cool stuff.

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Un site à mettre en cartouche (royal)!! Les enfants ont été ravis de se voir traduits en égyptien... Merci et encore BRAVO. F.PETIT

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Super site. Je l'ai utulisé dans un atelier d'introduction à l'histoire générale au niveau secondaire. Les élèves ont bien aimé. Andrée Pagé, enseignante en histoire Montréal, Québec

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speak to me great gods of the nile save my soul for the next world of happness!!!

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hey you. Go P ackers

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Very educational site!!! Love it.

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site très enrichissant,simple et efficace très bonne idée les traductions

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Great job!! I sent email. Donnie

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keep up the good work. we need to solve all the hieroglyphs at copan. tikal, macchu picchu etc. etc. to know what the aliens. learnt the native MAYA INDIAN culture. best wishes Staale Tandberg. Ormelet, 3145 Tjøme Norway

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i think that this web site sucks!!!

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Hi my name is Csami ;lkdjgadklfj asdfff

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Great website!!!

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Great website!!!

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Egypt Rules

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What an excellent site! Thank you! Not being an Egyptian scholar, I am not familiar with your name/work, but I sincerely appreciate the work you have put into the web site.

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Silkypd69 this is a cool page maybe you could add an alphabet for me to downlaod

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Il me faudrait une police plus complète.

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A quand les leçons de hiératique en français?

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Et la grammaire hiéroglyphique SIMPLE, c'est pour quand? J'aimerais apprendre sérieusement les hiéroglyphes, le hiératique aussi.

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dh srutur

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Great info. I'm using it for my school report. Thanks!

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Fabulous site. I'm using it to assist with instructing my history class and their study of hieroglyphs

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i like you page and itis helpful on my termpaper. but can i know when,why and how these writing disappeared?? it is because of christianity, rome,greek and islamic influences?

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YOU a'cool

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pourquoi vous ne parler de cléopâtre ????????????????????????????

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hay whats up.

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so far your coming along. Keep up the good work. I'l be waiting for the finished product.

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J'ai bien aimé le site mais il ne parlait pas de Cléopâtre pourquoi???

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pretty cool stuff!...annette

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C'est drole

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j'aimé ce site

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cette question est très difficile

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Hurry up!! By the time it is finished my projest will be over!!!

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Great site!! Egypt ROCKS!! I find Egypt very fascinating and your site helped me undertand more about Egyptian hieroglyphics!! Thanks!!

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Geneviève Love Simon

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Très bon site, surtout pour pouvoir mettre notre nom en hiéroglyfe !

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Great page

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c'est trop dangereux !!!

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Salut J'adore la page beau travail a biento bye bye

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génial :-))))))))

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This is "Apophis le werewolf" from the Stargate SG-1a team! Hehe, lets see if you can work this message out, written in phonetics with vowels missing of course:) Apophis ss rsu nfr could be pronounced : Apophis ss resu nefer ok its a short message but hey.. I`m not as good as a certain Daniel Jackson:)

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OK I`ll try a bit of french (ahem: le site est tres bon et c`est plus interessant. Hahaa. I really must improve on my languages... -Apophis the werewolf

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Vivre LÉgypte !!!

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I've only been at this site a few times. So far, I find it to be a very educational site. Please keep up the fine work you have put in to it. Plan to visit often. Bruce

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I do not like this program

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I love your program to convert words to heiroglyphics. Nice job...I would wonder how many hits you get to your site a day.....

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bravo pour votre site

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Hello whatever nerd i want 2makea katosh

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wUZ up?

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I love hieroglyphics! Steven Finch.

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I love heiroglyphics!!!!!!!!! Steven Finch from Durhamville School.

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Guten Tag! Iche speilen fussball und bruderb und smarte. Michael Janes and I hate you! Syke!

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Thank you for this service...I was able to help my son with his Egyptian History report.

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We are Australian students from Armidale High School. We think your site has been very interesting and helpful to learn about Ancient Egypt. IN OTHER WORDS, THIS REALLY ROCKS!!

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We are Australian students from Armidale High School. We think your site has been very interesting and helpful to learn about Ancient Egypt. IN OTHER WORDS, THIS REALLY ROCKS!!

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How about fixing your spelling of waiting? (from wainting)

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Bonne chance construisant vos pages d'Egyptien. Amitiés sincères, Roland Duprey

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Thanks for the info ,it was very educational oh yeah and Niners rock not the Packers

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Great side, I love it

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abcdef ghijklm nopqrs tuwxyz

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I hope your pages will be finished soon! John L. Bechtel Pastor Fremont Seventh-day Adventist Church California.

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I am wanting to know more about heiroglyphics, e-mail me if you can. My e-mail is

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I love your hieroglyphs!

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Hi Serge, your web-site is really marvellous! At least I do have a problem: arent't there programs for transcription letters-hieroglyphs, which works on the same way as that that works on your page. Just write it, and the program runs, and you get the hieroglyphs transcripted.

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Je n'arrive pas à charger la police de caractères hiéroglyphes. Quelle est la méthode SVP. Merci